Atchison County Development Corporation (ACDC) Board President Lori Seymour welcomed nearly 80 guests to the Velma Houts Fair Building in Rock Port, Missouri, Wednesday, October 12, 2022. She recognized dignitaries in attendance and ACDC’s board and staff. Board member Roger Martin led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and offered the invocation. Guests enjoyed an excellent dinner catered by Chef Paul Presents.

Board member MaryAnn Hull presented New Business Awards to the following:

• Atchison County Armory, selling firearms, ammo and accessories, owned by Sean Lotter in rural Fairfax   

• Big D’s Detailing, offers exterior/interior, engine bay and motorcycle detailing, owned by David Shaw in Tarkio

• Big T Motel in Tarkio, now owned by Adam Wheeler

• Connections Counseling and Wellness in Tarkio offers mental health services, life coaching, and various support groups, owned by Trevor and Mandy Whipple

• Country Kennels, a dog boarding business north of Tarkio, owned by Kim Swygman

• El Rey Papi’s LLC, Mexican restaurant in Rock Port, owned by Tim Saunders

• Farmtown Printing, selling graphic tees and apparel, owned by Mike & Dana Tracy in Fairfax

• Golden Salon & Boutique LLC, a hair salon in Tarkio, owned by Alexis Honan

• JumpStart in Rock Port, specializing in Herbalife products, nutritional teas, and protein shakes, now owned by Brian and Heather White   

• Keeping Track of Time, a Fairfax-based business that transfers old home videos and movies onto USB drives, owned by Boo Leseberg

• My Maria’s, a bakery based in Fairfax, owned by Maria Reed

• Paul & Iris Farms (formerly GT Christmas Tree Farm) in Rock Port, owned by Ryan and Krystal Leichliter

• Remington’s Custom Welding and Repair, LLC, in Rock Port, owned by Remington Stoner

• Riley’s Clothing & Co. LLC, an online women’s and children’s clothing boutique based in Tarkio, owned by Taylor Brown

• Salty Paws, a pet grooming spa located in Tarkio, owned by Melissa McAdams

• The Gee Spot Bar in Tarkio, owned by Gina and Jason Hendrix

• TK Property Services in Tarkio, offering pressure washing, gutter cleaning, home repair, landscaping and more, owned by Travis Hicks

• Vance Plumbing in Tarkio, owned by Dickie Vance

Board member Jill Davis presented two Business Expansion Awards:

• Klosek Trash Service, for the purchase of American Recycling Sanitation, a move that doubled the number of employees, tripled the number of customers throughout the county (and the workload), and added recycling to Klosek’s list of services

• Mo Valley Ag, whose customer-first mindset recently translated to the construction of a new dry plant that tripled their volume and greatly increased efficiency.

Davis then presented a Community Improvement Award to the Fairfax 6th grade guidance class and friends (Kiwanis, Optimists, Fairfax Improvement Foundation, etc.) in recognition of the community fundraising effort involved in creating a mural in downtown Fairfax.

Seymour presented the 2022 Economic Impact Award to Ag Partners in recognition of their new three million bushel grain storage facility in Tarkio, a tremendous investment in our county that will enable more farmers to do business locally.

Seymour then presented Youth Beautification Awards to three worthy projects:

• Rock Port FBLA will purchase a teeter totter for the Rock Port City Park playground and will assist with park cleanup.   

• The Fairfax 6th grade guidance class will landscape around the two town welcome signs.

• Rock Port Peer Counselors and Student Council will replace the Rock Port City Park sign and add landscaping.

Three outstanding guest speakers and Atchison County graduates shared their stories of growing up here, choosing to return home, and current volunteer efforts. Paige Agnew highlighted Tarkio Parks and Recreation projects. Regan Griffin discussed Restore Rock Port’s plans. Marisa Hedlund discussed her emphasis on volunteerism at Fairfax School, starting in preschool.

Seymour presented the current slate of ACDC officers: Lori Seymour, president; Craig Corken, vice-president; Eryn Stepp, secretary; and Bob Alldredge, treasurer.

Alldredge presented current financials and reminded attendees that this information is always available to the public.

Executive Director Monica Bailey thanked ACDC Board and staff for their support and discussed some good things happening around Atchison County. She then highlighted the following ACDC efforts:    

• Youth career programs (Careers on Wheels, Youth Professionalism Workshop, Job Shadowing Day)

• ACDC Scholarship for graduating seniors and local individuals enrolled in Tarkio Tech programs

• Business Improvement Grants given since September 2021: Designs by Jayne, Double M Towing, Q&M Snowing & Mowing, All American Campground & RV Park, Alma’s Herbs, Daybreak Café, Farmtown Printing Company LLC, Flower Mill, Harbin Investments LLC, JR Chaney Photography & Drone, Keeping Track of Time LLC, M&S Storage, and River Rock Lanes

• Shop AC event (November 17 this year) and Facebook group

• Funding support of nonprofits: Restore Rock Port, Rock Port Golf and Country Club, Tarkio Parks and Rec, Tarkio Golf Club, Tarkio Technology Institute, Northwest Missouri Enterprise Facilitation, and Battle of the Books

• Staffing support of Tarkio Renewal and Restore Rock Port

Bailey dismissed the group, encouraging them to celebrate the good things happening throughout Atchison County and to remember that “life in AC is better than anything they got out there. #ACisAwesome!”