Along with an ideal location, property taxes that are lower than the national average, and a solid work ethic, Atchison County has also enjoyed forward-thinking leadership through the years that have led to the creation of incentive programs that can help your business thrive here.

Tax Increment Financing (TIF)

Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is a development tool that allows for new increments of tax revenues resulting from a specific redevelopment above past taxes on the property, to be used to pay for approved project-related costs, infrastructure and capital improvements.  Atchison County’s TIF Zone is countywide.  For businesses planning to provide more than 20 new full-time jobs and at least $250,000 in investment, this incentive can be a great benefit.  Atchison County has completed 3 highly successful TIF projects since 2005.

Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ)

The Atchison County Enhanced Enterprise Zone, effective October 1, 2005, encompasses all of Atchison County except one census block.  Businesses within the following industry clusters are eligible for EEZ incentives, provided they are located within the zone and make improvements to their property:


  • Value-added, producer driven, agricultural industry
  • Industries involved in research and development
  • Industries involved in distribution/wholesale (except for those in the fireworks industry)
  • Telecommunications
  • Manufacturing
  • Computer programming, data processing and storage and other related high tech fields
  • Wind turbine projects*

If a project is approved by the local EEZ Board and County Commissioners and provides at least 5 new full-time Atchison County employees, a company may be offered 100% property tax abatement on improvements to real property for 10 years.  If a company provides over 75 new full-time employees, they may qualify for a 15-year abatement.  Wind energy projects that provide at least 5 new full-time local jobs may qualify for 50-60% real property tax abatement for no more than 20 years, with an average of $5,900/megawatt installed over lifetime of abatement.

ACDC coordinates these programs, along with Industrial Development Bonds, in conjunction with Atchison County’s Commission, Clerk and Assessor.  We are available to discuss potential projects with you to determine if any of our locally-controlled incentive programs might work for you, or if there are other avenues that might assist in relocating or establishing your business here.  Please contact us (, 660-744-6562) to let us know how we can help!