Where do I license my car or take my Drivers License Test?
The Drivers License and Vehicle Registration office is located at 214 S Main St., Rock Port, and is open Monday-Friday from 9am-4pm (closed from 12:30pm-1:30pm). Call 660-744-2828 with questions. Written drivers license tests are available several Tuesdays each month at the Tarkio Resource Center (405 S 11th St, Tarkio). Call 660-373-9247 for current information.
What are the hours of the courthouse?
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm (closed from 12pm-1pm)
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Where do I vote?
To register to vote in Missouri: http://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/goVoteMissouri/register
For local voter or polling information, contact the Atchison County Clerk at 660-744-6214.
How do learn about the history of Atchison County?
You may contact one of the AC library branches.
How can I find a local plumber?
You may search for any business here.
I need something notarized. How can I find a local notary?
In Fairfax, visit City Hall (660-686-3520) or Farmers State Bank (660-686-3312). In Rock Port, visit Citizens Bank & Trust (660-744-5333) or Atchison-Holt Electric (660-744-5344). In Tarkio, visit City Hall (660-736-4821).
I have an event coming up and need to rent a room. What rental facilities are available?
Fairfax: Firehouse Community Room (660-686-3520). Rock Port: Velma Houts Building (660-744-6231), RP Country Club (660-744-2590), Atchison County Memorial Building (660-744-5599). Tarkio: Tarkio Resource Center (660-736-4612, Flower Mill), Community Building (660-736-4821), Farmers State Bank (660-736-4197).
How can I find the local newspaper?
Atchison County Mail is a weekly newspaper covering all communities in Atchison County. For more information, contact the Rock Port office (300 S Main St, 660-744-6245), the Tarkio office (521 Main St, 660-736-4111), or email them at mail@farmerpublishing.com. Alternatively, you can find AC Mail online at farmerpublishing.com